K-5 Programs

Smart Moves

Core, Emotional Wellness: Programs that build character and leadership.

Healthy Habits

Informing youth about health & wellness.

Triple Play and the Arts

Triple Play fosters creativity in young people and gives them an outlet for self-expression. 

Power Hour

Making minutes count. Allows club professionals to engage members with homework assistance.


DIY S.T.E.M. is a hands on activity that implements, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.

21st CCLC

Compass which is 21st CCLC, has developed and continues to successfully implement a robust recruitment program to provide program access to our highest need students. In the years to come, Iredell Statesville Schools will leverage the collaborative partnership with the Boys & Girls Club of the Piedmont to maintain or exceed the enrollment goals for the program. 

Contact Ashhur Gibbs for more information about the 21st CCLC program.
